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Even a small leak can become a major problem, so knowing what you're covered for and how to prevent water damage are equally important.
Check appliance hoses. Standard hoses are not as durable as they used to be. Replace rubber hoses with steel-braided hoses. This is a low cost fix that could save thousands in water damage.
Broken tiles in the shower can allow water to leak into the walls or on the floor. Replace cracked tiles and re-grout when needed.
Run the dishwasher and washing machine only when you are home. If a leak occurs, you can turn the appliance off right away.
When on vacation, turn off the main water supply to your house.
Keep storm drains near your house clear of leaves.
Examine the shingles on your roof. Worn, curled or missing shingles allow water in, so replace them as soon as noticed.
Make sure your water pressure is not set too high. You can purchase a gauge that will help you test your pressure for the appropriate level, which should be set between 60 and 80 PSI.
Consider buying a water alarm, which can help you find leaks, or automatic shut-off mechanisms, which can help avoid bursts.
Leak Prevention Tips

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